Bosses Of A Feather Flock Together

You've heard people say you can be guilty by association or if you lay down with dogs, you'll wake up with fleas.  Birds of a feather flock together. You are the company you keep.  These sayings and others like them are not only true, they clearly state that you should be selective with the people you allow in your social circle.  If you aspire to be successful or take your career to the next level, you might want to reevaluate your surroundings.  Now, I'm not saying stop associating with or cut off your childhood friends or stop taking your favorite cousin's phone calls if they are not focused on the same goals as you.  What I am saying is that in order to achieve whatever amount of success you desire, you may need to broaden your horizon a bit. It's healthy to have a well-rounded social circle.  People from all walks of life and backgrounds can positively impact your outlook on business and life.  You never know where your next inspirational nugget may come from.  

In my years as a business owner and philanthropist, I've learned to step outside of my comfort zone and connect with individuals that are not necessarily in my natural path.  Search for events in your area that are in line with your personal or business interest.  Attend or sponsor these events to network and gain exposure for your service or product.  Communicate with and get to know as many people as you can.  Long term relationships could form from these up close and personal introductions. 

Workspace social club memberships are an excellent way to expand your circle.  Events are curated monthly to bring members together in an exclusive learning space.  The unique combination of attendees at these events insure that perspectives and viewpoints will no doubt be challenged but at the same time mesh well within a common, like-minded social environment.  The best part of it all is that you have 24hr access to a workspace and it's amenities.  There's a restaurant and bar area that conversations are sure to spark. Politics, family, culinary art and sports are just a few examples of topics that could take place at any given moment.  Panels, round table discussions, debates and other forms of communication drives a social club and connects its' members. 

 George Patton said, " If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking!"  Your boss circle should consist of people that challenge you and push you to be better.  They should represent in some way qualities that you aspire to possess.  You want people in your circle that can connect you to people and resources that will further your career.  Overall, they should have a positive influence on you and your goals in life.  At the end of the day, you have a job to do and no time to waste. We only live once. Create a circle of associates and friends that shine inside and out and that will support you as you Get It Done Boss!


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