Let's Talk ABout It!


Toxic Family Members!  Who are they and how do we co-exist?

Join us for this much needed conversation on May 6th at 7pm via the Fanbase app!  

With the many challenges we face as entrepreneurs, it's not often that we address the elephant in the room.  Toxic people in general will put a damper on your plans for success.  They abuse you, your trust and your self-esteem in such a way that you will start to question your purpose and possibility of success. When the toxic person is a family member it makes it difficult to pinpoint and even more difficult to deal with.  I am by no means an expert in the area of psychology or mental health so I've gathered a few of my friends to help us analyze the issue at hand and to come up with healthy solutions for creating boundaries to protect our peace and help us get pass the abuse and trauma of toxicity.  

The conversation will cover identifying the culprit at hand.  We will discuss the possible root of the reason a person would develop the qualities and personality of a toxic person.  Most importantly, we'll go over how their behavior could affect your life and mental health as well as what we can do to co-exist with these people.  They are, after all, our family.  A friend, acquaintance, or even a co-worker could easily be cut off. Let's be clear, I do think there are circumstances that would justify a family member being cut off as well but we should at least try to salvage a relationship when they are your blood if the offense is minor or forgivable.  To close out the event I've invited my friend who is a pastor to give us a word on what pleases God with respect to this topic.  I think we should always seek our Lord and Savior for guidance with things that trouble our spirit and our heart.  

I'm hosting this conversation on a new app that I'm really excited about!  It's called Fanbase.  It was created and is owned by a fellow ATLien Issaac Hayes III.  It's a cross between Instagram and Clubhouse with a subscription option like Only Fans.  As of right now, I'm not using the subscription feature but it could be useful for future events and content that I want to make exclusive.  It's fairly new and growing rapidly.  Celebs like Snoop Dogg and Roland Martin have joined the platform and have also invested in the company.  I, myself, have also invested in the company.  It's currently open to investors but will eventually close.  I highly recommend that you add this company to your portfolio if you are an investor.  It's going to blow up!  Click the link below to invest.

Invest In Fanbase

How To Join Our Conversation:

1. Download the Free Fanbase App

2. Create A Profile


4. Join the "Let's Talk About It!" room at the time of the event

5. Listen in or even raise your hand to be added to the conversation


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