Therapy Is For Bosses!


Therapy is a concept that's fairly new to the black community.  Depending on how you were raised, you were probably told that what happens in your house stays in your house or not to air out your dirty laundry.  That meant that no matter what type of pain or trauma you experienced in your home,  you better not tell anyone what was happening or you'd have to face the consequences.  That fear that was embedded into your mind and was even more harmful than the actual abuse.  Generations and generations of that type of hush hush mentality has created generations of traumatized and damaged people.  Those damaged and traumatized people are now parents and spouses working for companies and in positions where they have to work closely with people everyday.  Those damaged and traumatized people are in relationships and because they haven't properly identified and processed their trauma they're having problems in relationships.  They're passing that trauma down to their children and it could have all been helped if not resolved with a good therapist.
I am a strong advocate for maintenance therapy.  You don't have to have a tragic situation or potential 
life changing situation to book an appointment with your therapist.  Everyday life has its challenges.  If you have a busy schedule with a spouse and kids you might have moments that become overwhelming.  It's good to have someone to talk to and gain someone else's perspective of your situation.  If you chip away at stress and anxiety a little bit at a time it's better than letting things build up and boil over before you seek help.  
There are so many options available for therapy.  If you're not quite ready to sit face to face with 
someone you might want to use an online service like "Better Help".
With Better Help you have the choice to get help by phone, text or video.  You have flexibility to ease your way into full face to face sessions.  It also gives you 24 hour access to your therapist to reach out to them whenever you need them.  If you are not happy with your therapist you can request another one.  It's subscription based and can be covered by your insurance.  You can cancel at anytime.  

For myself personally, I'm a little old school with my approach to seeking therapy.  I like walking into a building, checking in at the front desk and sitting on the therapist's couch across from them to pour my heart out in person.  I want to be able to reach for the tissue box when I cry and do hands on exercises to work through my situations.   I like the personable feeling that face to face therapy gives you.  More than anything else I love the feeling of walking out of that building with a weight being lifted off my shoulders.  Getting into my car with a clear mind and a plan to go throughout the rest of my week is what I need after a session.  
However you decide to start your therapy sessions, know that seeking help doesn't make you weak.  It doesn't mean that you're less of a human being for admitting that you need help.  It makes you a Boss!  It means that you value your mental health and want to be healthy in order to lead your team properly.  It means that you want to be the best version of yourself for your family and friends.  It takes a really strong person to take that step.  Once you start on that path and see the positive results you'll want to make therapy a priority on your calendar and part of your life.  It will be the best decision you've ever made!  To book an appointment with one of the best psychotherapists in Atlanta click the link below.  
Bianca Abrams, owner of The Wellness Institute Of Atlanta would be a great choice to start your journey of taking care of your mental health.

You have the power to manage your mental health.  We all have moments when we feel a bit off and 
need a boost or to be realigned with nature and positive energy.  There are things you can do daily and weekly that will keep you centered.  Make a copy or write down the Healthy Habits to improve your Mental Health.  Incorporate theses things into your routine.

Self Care is quite possibly one of the most important things you can do to improve your mental health.
Men, women and children should practice some form of self-care.  Something as simple as listening to music or taking a nap could be the one thing you need to adjust your mood from drab to fab.  Below are some examples of self-care that you can try to see how you like them and how they make you feel.  Really anything that helps you relax and puts you in a positive head space is self care.  Whatever that means to you, do it at least once a week if not once a day.  Schedule it just like you schedule a meeting with a client or a doctor's appointment.  Being in charge of your mental health plan is how you stay mentally healthy and that's how you Get It Done Boss! 


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