Build A Plan Like A Boss!

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!  Or whatever they say...  I honestly feel like if you don't have some sort of plan for how you go about life, you will surely wonder into the great abyss of chaos and complications.  I'm not saying that you haven to have every detail of your everyday life perfectly planned out but have some idea of what you ultimately would like to accomplish and a road to travel in order to get there.  This also doesn't mean that you have to have a very complicated and intricate plan with charts and tables, etc.  You can simply write everything down on a sheet of paper to organize your thoughts. Then scratch through each thing as you accomplish them. 

Have a plan for your health. (I plan on doing this myself for 2022)  Create a menu of meals that will help you reach your goals.  Incorporate exercise and self care on your weekly calendar.  Add doctor's appointments, health screenings and even therapist appointments to your calendar as well.  We are always spending majority of our lives making plans for our career or business, however, without a solid health plan we may not be able to carry out any other plans we have.  Having good mental and physical health allows you to show up as the best version of yourself to do your job.

Have a plan for your family life.  These plans might start shaping as early as you and your spouses dating days.  Talks of how many children you want, where they will attend school, where you want to live, if you want pets, what church you will attend, the type of car you want for your family, your charitable efforts, your family diet, how you plan to discipline your kids, etc. Your family plan will more than likely have many stages and will often adjust according to how God blesses you but you will still want to have a sense of what direction your headed in and how you want to present yourselves as a family.  As much as I love my freeform and unpredictable family, I must say that the structure and discipline that having a plan gives us all is quite necessary.  When you have multiple kids, animals and a career family planning is your best friend.

Have a plan for your finances.  I remember when I gave birth to my first child I received the Gerber Life Insurance Plan in the mail. It was something like $1 month for $30,000 of coverage.  It was at that moment that I understood the importance of saving money for more than myself but now I had to consider the many aspects of my life that would require a plan for funding.  Now I had to consider college costs, first car cost, medical bills for another person, insurance for home, car and life.  I had to think about my own retirement and even cost for a funeral and leaving something for my kids when I'm no longer here.  Don't forget to add a yearly vacation to your financial plan along with recreation and shopping.  It's not always about the business of your life.  sometimes it's about enjoying the fruits of your labor.  A good financial advisor can steer you in the right direction for whatever your financial planning needs are.  You can even find financial planning notebooks and apps to make the process easier! 

Build a Business Plan Like A Boss!

After retiring Kelle's Kakes in 2019 I would get calls constantly from associates asking questions about how to get started as a business owner.  Questions about branding, procedures, payment systems, networking, budgeting, etc. That led to the birth of Get it Done Boss.  I enjoyed sharing that information with people and thought it would be great to create a community where new and existing business owners could share notes and resources to start a business or make our businesses better.  We don't all have to learn by trial and error.  If we share what we know to those in need we will grow as a community of successful business owners.  Part of my service to budding business owners is helping them create a comprehensive plan that they will have as a guide to move forward with having the business they've always dreamed of.  Organizing your vision for your business and putting it all down on paper or in a file is the first step towards manifesting the success of your business.  Plan all the details from small to large.  What is your business going to be named?  What are your brand colors?  How should your logo look?  Where will it be located?  What is your target market?  What is your budget?  Do you have employees?  What are your operations processes?  What is your goal for profit in each quarter?  These and many other questions are the types of questions you will answer while creating your business plan.  Anyone should be able to pick up your plan, read it and understand exactly what your vision is.  Having a clear and precise plan could also put you in position to gain investors or funding for your business.  Having a business plan lets everyone know that you're serious about investing time and money into your project and will in turn be more apt to do the same.  There are tons of templates and examples on the internet to help you get started.  The most important thing is that you just get started!  If you're not confident that you can translate your thoughts and vision into a business plan you can hire someone (me!) to create a plan for you.  The cost to hire someone is minimal compared to what wasted time and resources could cost you in the long run.  Click the link below to book your consultation and let's Get It Done Boss!

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